Research publications
Janssens, J. and Spreeuwenberg, L. (2022). The Moral Implications of Cancel Culture, Ethical Perspectives 29 (1), 89-114, doi: 10.2143/EP.29.1.3290737.
Spreeuwenberg, L. (2022). The possibility of a duty to love, in The Moral Psychology of Love (edited by Brogaard, B. and Pismenny, A.). Rowman & Littlefield.
Spreeuwenberg, L. (2021). ‘Love’ as a Practice: Looking at Real People, in New Philosophical Essays in Love and Loving (pp. 63-86). Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.
Bafort, A. S., Claeys, M., Malomgré, K., Moormann, E., Ropianyk, A., Spreeuwenberg, L., & Van Puyvelde, V. (2021). What are you reading? . DiGeSt-Journal of Diversity and Gender Studies, 8(1), 106-117, doi: 10.21825/digest.v8i1.18835.
Spreeuwenberg, L. and Schaubroeck, K. (2020). The non-individualistic and social dimensions of love drugs, in Philosophy and Public Issues, Vol. 10, no. 3, Enhancing Love? (ed. by Garasic, M.), 67-92.
Spreeuwenberg, L. (2020). Liefde aan de basis van moraliteit. Algemeen Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Wijsbegeerte, 112(4), 421-424, doi: 10.5117/ANTW2020.4.011.SPRE
Spreeuwenberg, L. 2019. Taking the love pill: A reply to Naar and Nyholm. Journal of Applied Philosophy, 36(2), 248-256. doi: 10.1111/japp.12305
Research projects
2019 – 2023
You can read my doctoral dissertation here. It is a collection of five published papers about a wide range of topics (philosophy of love, feminism, cancel culture, biomedical enhancement). Love and morality are important concepts in all of them. More specifically: love and morality as inspired by philosopher and novelist Iris Murdoch, who argues that loving is what makes us better human beings. I take Murdoch to debates where she is not a regular guest. In taking her to these different debates, this dissertation not only contributes to theoretical discussions, but also shows that Murdoch’s concept of love is relevant for the more practical and everyday questions we have today about loving, feminism and social justice. An introductory chapter explains the overarching argument of the dissertation.
ISBN: 9789057287619
University of Antwerp
Visiting Researcher at the University of Liverpool
Supervisor: dr. Rachael Wiseman
2017 – 2019
(How) Ought Parents and Children to Love Each Other? (BOF-grant)
University of Antwerp, Centre for Ethics
Supervisor: prof. dr. Katrien Schaubroeck
Ethiek (BA), Tilburg University, 2024
Moral Psychology (BA), Tilburg University, 2025
Verschillende vakken in de bedrijfsethiek (BA), Tilburg University, 2024, 2025
Feministische filosofie (BA), UAntwerpen, 2020.
Hedendaagse auteurs: Kate Manne’s Down Girl, the logic of misogyny (BA), UAntwerpen, 2019.
Filosofie van de liefde (MA), UAntwerpen, 2019
Internal Doctoral Committee member Valerie Granberg (UA).
Guest lectures and research presentations
I’ve presented research at twentysomething conferences at Utrecht University, University of Leeds, University of Pardubice, University of Liverpool, Università di Genova, University of Salzburg, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Tilburg University and UAntwerp.
I’ve given guest lectures at Radboud University Nijmegen, Royal Academy of Fine Arts Antwerp, Tilburg University, UAntwerp.
Non-academic teaching
In 2014 I earned my Bachelor of Applied Sciences in Education of Social Studies after which I taught ‘maatschappijleer’ (social studies) en ‘burgerschap’ (civics) at both ROC Tilburg and Grafisch Lyceum Rotterdam (2014-2017).